Saturday, May 12, 2012

Kisses For Katie


I would like to develop a jean line entitled "Gut but No Butt" and sale it at Kohls.

Red Tulips

"Hunger Games." If I was starving I would probably kill somebody too.

Pink Bootie

Last weekend my sista and I went hiking at Moss Rock. We were trecking along and began up a steep rocky area. I looked down and asked "Laurie what are all of the speckles on the rocks?" She replied with "moss."

Teal Palms

On stage I am a Phoebe, but in life I am definently a Monica.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Uptown Art Uncorked, Pelham

The New and Upgraded Art Studio in Pelham, AL. :)

Pastel Hydrangeas

Everybody(AT&T associates and Best Buy associates) told me to upgrade to the droid. My analysis--Don't.

"Abstract Blue City"

The other night I was teaching a class and someone from the crowd looked up and asked "What do I do if I run out of paint?" I said "You get more."

"Ever After"

A few weeks ago I was driving to a job interview. I was practicing my professional and friendly smile when I realized I needed to turn right. Without giving much warning to my fellow drivers on the road I slamed on my brakes and took a sharp right. Well surprisingly the guy behind me did not like that. He started honking and waving his arm in the air, so being the kind, morning person that I am I returned his gesture. I pulled off the main road into the parking lot and parked. I smoothed my hair, checked my teeth and got out of my car just in time to see an employee of the company staring at me on her way in. I smiled and hoped that the interview would not be with her. Luckily it was.

Pepper Place Booth 2011

When you put your self-worth into anything besides God you will be consistently disappointed.