Roll Tide
Phone call..
Me: "Thank you for calling Edgars at the Colonnade.."
Other: "Is this the Colonnade?"
Me "Yes."
Other: "Well I wanted to order a cake.."
Me: "Okay, when would you like to pick it up?"
Other: "Uhhmmm....Saturday?...
Me: "What time?"
Other: "What time do you open?"
Me: "6:30am and we close at 6pm"
other:"OMG not that early..hahahaha...how about uhmmmmmm 11:00..no 12:00.
Me: "Okay what can I get for you?"
other:"Uhmm I don't know something big and pink..wait no purple. Can I get a three tiered cake for tomorrow?"
Me: "No, I am so sorry we usually need 48 hours notice for a more involved cake.."
other: "Oh, well how about a big pink flower...? Can you look on google where I am looking at...No the next page, two down, with the big petals.."
30 minutes later...
Other: "Okay well I don't know if I can do all that..I'll have to call you back."