Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Proud Peacock"
Oil Painting

The other day I was driving from one job to the next, and I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. I looked down and saw a mouse scurrying around under the passenger seat. Naturally, I started screaming bloody-murder and nearly wrecked in an attempt to pull the car over. I leaped out of the driver's side and tried to catch the furry critter in a plastic cup. I could not get it and after opening all of the doors, poking at it with an umbrella, and turning the radio up and down I gave up.
I could not find it anywhere and I had to get to work. So, reluctantly I climbed back into the drivers seat, and of course while trapped on the interstate he/she reemerged. I was able to ignore Mickey until I arrived at my destination where again I attempted to catch it. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful.
After work I came out to my car leery of what might be waiting for me. I climbed in, looked down, and there my little friend was resting inside of the plastic cup. I smiled, picked up the cup, and dumped my friend into the near by grassy area.
As I drove off I hoped that I had not separated he/she from its family. I did not want to hurt the little guy, but I did not what he/she to bum free rides either.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Whats Tator's, Precious?" --Smeagle

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Juicy Apple"


Is match.com the answer to finding a meaningful, lasting, and "real" relationship?

"Pretty Flower"


Have you ever thought about past events and buried your face inside of your hands thinking "If only it had only gone differently." But then raised your head and smiled because of a future event that has not yet happened?

"Brown Dog"

Oil Pastel and Acrylic

Chili Bean has been having eye lid issues. The other day she underwent surgery to correct the problem and is now wearing a plastic lamp shade around her head to protect the healing eye. She is having the hardest time not bumping the foreign head piece into everything. When it happens she looks up at me as if to say "what the hell?"

"Crunchy Pear"


Do we have soul mates or several people we can make it work with?