Oil Painting
The other day I was driving from one job to the next, and I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. I looked down and saw a mouse scurrying around under the passenger seat. Naturally, I started screaming bloody-murder and nearly wrecked in an attempt to pull the car over. I leaped out of the driver's side and tried to catch the furry critter in a plastic cup. I could not get it and after opening all of the doors, poking at it with an umbrella, and turning the radio up and down I gave up.
I could not find it anywhere and I had to get to work. So, reluctantly I climbed back into the drivers seat, and of course while trapped on the interstate he/she reemerged. I was able to ignore Mickey until I arrived at my destination where again I attempted to catch it. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful.
After work I came out to my car leery of what might be waiting for me. I climbed in, looked down, and there my little friend was resting inside of the plastic cup. I smiled, picked up the cup, and dumped my friend into the near by grassy area.
As I drove off I hoped that I had not separated he/she from its family. I did not want to hurt the little guy, but I did not what he/she to bum free rides either.