Friday, December 25, 2009

Acrylic Painting
"Well that's a Horse of a different color." Wizard of Oz
"Fire Dragon"
Acrylic Painting

I was recently asked to paint a dragon for a co-worker's son. I said sure and did not give it much thought until it was time to paint. I printed several images of dragons off the Internet, but when it came time to create I ignored all of them. I created the entire painting from my imagination, and when I stepped back I realized I had painted the UAB Blazer.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Woob..aka Charlie Brown"
Oil Paint
"How will I know if he really Love's me?"
Whitney Houston
"Toe Girl"

You have to pick your battles with people, but when you stop fighting completely does that mean you stop caring?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

"Pumpkin Brick"
Oil Paint
I just got a new car..again, and this time I REALLY mean this.
"It's so choice. I love driving it. If you have the means I highly recommend picking one up." Ferris Bueller

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Acrylic and Oil Pastel
He smiles at us.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Proud Peacock"
Oil Painting

The other day I was driving from one job to the next, and I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. I looked down and saw a mouse scurrying around under the passenger seat. Naturally, I started screaming bloody-murder and nearly wrecked in an attempt to pull the car over. I leaped out of the driver's side and tried to catch the furry critter in a plastic cup. I could not get it and after opening all of the doors, poking at it with an umbrella, and turning the radio up and down I gave up.
I could not find it anywhere and I had to get to work. So, reluctantly I climbed back into the drivers seat, and of course while trapped on the interstate he/she reemerged. I was able to ignore Mickey until I arrived at my destination where again I attempted to catch it. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful.
After work I came out to my car leery of what might be waiting for me. I climbed in, looked down, and there my little friend was resting inside of the plastic cup. I smiled, picked up the cup, and dumped my friend into the near by grassy area.
As I drove off I hoped that I had not separated he/she from its family. I did not want to hurt the little guy, but I did not what he/she to bum free rides either.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Whats Tator's, Precious?" --Smeagle

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Juicy Apple"


Is the answer to finding a meaningful, lasting, and "real" relationship?

"Pretty Flower"


Have you ever thought about past events and buried your face inside of your hands thinking "If only it had only gone differently." But then raised your head and smiled because of a future event that has not yet happened?

"Brown Dog"

Oil Pastel and Acrylic

Chili Bean has been having eye lid issues. The other day she underwent surgery to correct the problem and is now wearing a plastic lamp shade around her head to protect the healing eye. She is having the hardest time not bumping the foreign head piece into everything. When it happens she looks up at me as if to say "what the hell?"

"Crunchy Pear"


Do we have soul mates or several people we can make it work with?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

"Sleeping Woman"
Isn't is strange how you can see people hurting around you, but it would be considered inappropriate to step in and help?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Acrylic, Oil Pastel, and Puff Paint

The other night I pulled into my drive way, parked, and grabbed my things. As I swung my door open a dog greeted me. He jumped with his muddy feet, licked with his sloppy tongue, and blocked my path as I headed for the house.

When I finally got into the garage, I noticed chewed up boxes and leaking water bottles near the fridge. I walked toward the door and almost stepped into his "mess."

When I finally got the key turned in the lock and was safely in the house I called the neighbors and asked if they would come get their dog.

"Seated Woman"
Do you like the person you are becoming? Is is what you thought or what you expected?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Abstract Hand"
Oil Painting
Maturity is overrated.

Sunday, July 19, 2009



I got a new car a few weeks ago. It's an atomic blue Honda, and I have to say "it's so choice, I love driving it. If you have the means I highly recommend picking one up." Ferris Bueller

Friday, July 17, 2009

"Three Flowers"
Oil Painting
The other night a little girl said that "it must be nice to be an artist. Whenever you get bored you can just create a masterpiece." If only it were that simple.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

"Sassy Lady"

Acrylic Painting by Laura Garikes, enhanced and embellished by Kathryn Garikes

Have you ever worn perfume and through out the course of the day liked it less and less? The more you smelled it the worse your head hurt. And all the while you wondered if others noticed.


Oil Painting

Have you ever fought with someone and been yelled at to the point of tears? And then gave in, not because you were wrong, but because it just wasn't worth it any more.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Blue Wraps"

Oil Painting

A few weeks ago, I got a body wave in my hair and I love it! However, some mornings I look into the mirror and break into Bette Midler numbers..."You gotta give a Little, Take a little..."and other mornings it can take some serious time and strength to comb through the tangled mass.


Oil Painting

"You can't go around with your whoopsie daisy hanging out." ---Carla Garikes

"The Wall"

Oil Pastel

During college a buddy and I attempted to make Nana's banana pudding. While mixing the ingredients, for the special sauce, over the stove, the eggs scrambled inside of the pan. That night we learned how to make breakfast, and I realized that we just may kiss better than we cook.

Acrylic Painting
A Real friendship is worth working for. A text, an e-mail, a phone call, a road trip to visit. It all makes a difference, but when it doesn't try not to take it personally and in time let it go.

Monday, July 6, 2009

"Johnny Depp"
Charcoal and Oil Pastel
I was watching Depp the other night on Letterman, and he made an interesting comment. He said that he never watched himself in any of his movies. Once, he was done shooting he was done with the whole production.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"Puffy Legs"
Isn't it interesting how certain pieces of music can make you feel sad while others can pump you up? Art is meant to be the same way.

"Vampires Walk Among Us"

Oil Painting

I was pulling out of a shopping center this morning and saw a woman struggling to walk. After she crossed the parking lot, she sat down on the curb as an older woman encouraged and comforted her. Immediately, I felt sad and was thankful.

"Pooh Bear Bassonett"
Acrylic Painting
My Ahh haa Moment came when my Mom told me.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

"The Embrace"

Oil Painting

I know that we fight, but when I think of life with out you I can't Breathe.

"Pink Emotions"
Oil Painting
I may be a handful at times. But I agree with Ms. Marilyn Monroe, "If you can't handle me on my worst days then you sure as hell don't deserve me on my best."

Oil Painting

It's a choice to be happy. You have to make it every morning when you wake up.

"Crunchy Flowers"
Oil Painting
What if you are doing your best and its still not good enough? Who decides? Do "they" or do "you"? And when one of "you " decides...what happens next?

"Go Bananas"
Oil Painting
Have you ever been told that you were selfish? I have. Some times I listen to people talk and think what does this have to do with me. Maybe I should work on that.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Full Moon"
You know they say that if you are good at something you should never do it for free. Well, What if no one is interested in that one thing you are good at?

Buttercream and Fandant
While on my pursuit for happiness I joined a cake decorating class at Hobby Lobby. I baked, ate, decorated, broke at least one mixer, and gained a few pounds. It was fabulous.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

"Beach Time"

Acrylic Painting

In all honesty, I should be thankful to have a job at all. After graduating with a major and minor in the humanities, during a recession, doors swung open with opportunity. For the first few months, all I recieved was "you seem to have great potential, but we can not hire you at this time," or "we regret to inform you.." Some might call that character building, not me.

"Fluid Motion"
Oil Painting
The other morning I was driving to work chugging my mt. dew. I looked around and noticed some people's faces in the stopped traffic. One woman looked as if a loved one had died earlier that morning, while another girl looked as if she was still sleeping. I turned my head and met the stare of a middle aged man who looked as if he might pull a gun from his consule and begin a shooting rampage. I smiled and thought can you blame them?

"Blue Jewel"
Acrylic Painting
I am in a wedding soon and will be wearing a beautiful Auburn Bridesmaid dress. It's a dark blue strapless peice with a vivid orange sash in the middle. When the dress originally arrived it was to large so I took it to Alterations to have it taken in. A few weeks later I picked it up, paid, and left. Two days ago, I put it on to show my sister, and it would not zip up. I was Furious. I drove to the Alterations place, vented, and was told to put the dress on. Then I stood in front of the three way mirror while the sales woman yanked at the zipper. The owner appeared from around the corner, smiled and said "lift up your front." The zipper zipped.