Acrylic Painting
"Well that's a Horse of a different color." Wizard of Oz
"Brown Dog"
Oil Pastel and Acrylic
Chili Bean has been having eye lid issues. The other day she underwent surgery to correct the problem and is now wearing a plastic lamp shade around her head to protect the healing eye. She is having the hardest time not bumping the foreign head piece into everything. When it happens she looks up at me as if to say "what the hell?"
Acrylic, Oil Pastel, and Puff Paint
The other night I pulled into my drive way, parked, and grabbed my things. As I swung my door open a dog greeted me. He jumped with his muddy feet, licked with his sloppy tongue, and blocked my path as I headed for the house.
When I finally got into the garage, I noticed chewed up boxes and leaking water bottles near the fridge. I walked toward the door and almost stepped into his "mess."
When I finally got the key turned in the lock and was safely in the house I called the neighbors and asked if they would come get their dog.
"Blue Wraps"
Oil Painting
A few weeks ago, I got a body wave in my hair and I love it! However, some mornings I look into the mirror and break into Bette Midler numbers..."You gotta give a Little, Take a little..."and other mornings it can take some serious time and strength to comb through the tangled mass.
"Beach Time"
Acrylic Painting
In all honesty, I should be thankful to have a job at all. After graduating with a major and minor in the humanities, during a recession, doors swung open with opportunity. For the first few months, all I recieved was "you seem to have great potential, but we can not hire you at this time," or "we regret to inform you.." Some might call that character building, not me.